Thursday 8 November 2018


Life starts with a breath....ends with a breath ...between this we have to take the same breath. But amazing ...we have no control on our breath. We are not living a life on our own. So what should we be proud of ...and how can we say there is no God...and miracle doesnt happen. Our breath is the biggest miracle that is happening. Am i breathing or i am automatically breathing ?

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Where r you??

My last post was on 2013 december, i was just going through my blog...i have found what my mind wrote, wot it explored...i have found, how the time makes me it stopped me to post. When i was blogging i found myself in a exploring world, i m poor in english but.. i read my blog ...i found how come i write like this....2014 is a busy year for me, and is still running me busy.. When i see my past..i see like a different me...i see me as some other person who travelled the journey of time with me and bought me here in 2014 june. 2013 me was someone else, 2014 me is someone else...2015 me will be someone else...Every Time it passes , every new character i matches..................I miss my friends with whom i started blogging..for whom i write..Kiara, Blue. Silent...........where r you??????????? BaBA...where r u????.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Norman Vincent Peale comments on our actions:The secret of life isn’t what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you

Wednesday 13 November 2013


When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone.. 
When I was sure of losing, I won.. 
When I needed people the most, they left me.. 
When I learnt to dry my tears, I found a shoulder to cry on.. When I mastered the skill of hating, Someone started loving me from the core of the heart.. & 
While waiting for light for hours when I fell asleep, the sun came out.. That's LIFE !!  
No matter what u plan u never know what life has planned for u. "Success introduces you to the world, But Failure introduces the world to you .." - Always be Happy !!............A COPIED THOUGHT LIKED BY ME

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Beautifully You

Flowers are beautiful and they cant be compared with fruits..their High Defination color defines them beautifully with their shapes & sizes..Girls too cant be compared with guys..they are beautiful too like flowers..their eyes, lips..etc etc a tones of words to express. I accept flowers are beautiful..but why girls??? They are same human as guys..they don’t  have any color like flowers but ya they got a aroma like flowers…they really do…they attracts our eyes like flowers..they have a look of innocence…they can carry any burden..their  precious smile makes a kid to get rid of his worries, they can help grow a kid to a man…But look at the man…they are destroying such humans..those humans  who can do that  can't be done by a man…Foolishly us, use to get advertisements through media to stop killing girl foetus. Foolishly us destroying us. Foolishly  us forgetting the beautifully you.

Someone truly said "A garden without a flower cannot be called a garden….A society without a girl..will not remain a society "

Thursday 27 June 2013

Liebster Award (Belated)

Firstly, thank you Kiara for tagging me and passing on this lovely award.
 About me
- My first poem was my first post.
-i dont cheat people..never..but i can make others to do mistake..this is how i win
-i m a very angry person..when i see people doing wrong..saying wrong
-i m afraid of cockroaches, insects.
-i dont fear ghsot..rather i like to chase them and catch them
-i am afraid of my mother from getting beating.,.its a long time..i havent got any beating
-i m a slow walker
-i m a blogger..because of Kiara.
-i keep posting..because of blue.
-i like reading silents comments.
-I m not a duffer (important fact) :)

QUESTIONS from Kiara: 

1) Why, how, and when did you begin blogging?
2) What is the story behind the title of your blog?
3) What inspires you?
4) Stand in the light alone or stand in the dark with a friend?
5) Your favourite quote?
6) Would you ever write a book? If so, about what?
7) Your favourite song?
8) Rain or Sunshine?
9) If you were young again, and someone asked you what you wanted to be as an adult, what would be your answer?
10) You are given the ability of time travel, is there anything you`d change of your past or do you believe in `no regrets`?
11) Do we live to love or do we love to live?

1) My master told me to blog...when i was keen of learning english..My first poem was formed by the creation of my blog...if my master wouldnt have told me to...then i would also not be able to create my unexplored thoughts.."Thanks will be just a word....Master u r my mascot "
2)Nothing..for me the time is one subject that no body can do research on it..rather one can only give a thought to it.
3)My friends support
4)Alone??? NO way...its better to be in dark with a friend...
5)"Nothing is impossible, if u think possible..nothing is possible if u think impossible"
6) Yes, about my course subjects..may be Financial subjects
7)"Dil se" by A.R Rahman
8) Sunshine
9) Same as i m now...i like my adulthood
10) Only two things...these are very personal...i dnt believe in 'no regrets' its a false day..u will have to regret...coz u deserve it.
11) We love to is not our responsibilty...

Wednesday 20 March 2013


a savant said "the most precious gift in this earth for a human is a human" . yet the population is increasing day by day,,humans are borning but they too are getting lost day by day..People go divorced, people do suicides, people left their homes due to family distrubance, girl foeticides are killed,murder for money, honour killings and tones of stories about human harrashment by HUMAN.
This all accidents are due to existence of millions of humans, people take it as a if killing one or two..spoiling life of one or two wont cause any difference. I wished in 2012 the world should have end ..and only one person should have survived..the one who has committed crime...let him realise what is  precious in this earth.